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Wii fit
I've been using the Wii fit. This is a device that has a scale on each of four corners so it can tell where your weight is placed. There are games and exercises that use this information:
I've put in over 100 hours with this device and think that it is an amazing concept but at least in my case flawed. (It may be more helpful to people with less pronounced problems). It's problem seems to be that it may reinforce existing issues. For example, I watched a friend do the soccer heading game which involves exclusively moving from left to right. But his habit was that when he moved to the left he also moved backwards. The game does not penalize this so he continued to do it.
Although I'm frustrated with the device, I see great potential in it. If the software in it could be made compatible with ideas in AT or physical therapy the amount of people that it could help would be astounding. I have been wondering if this is an area where I could help. I have programming experience and if I could create software for this system that could prevent people from going through some of the difficulties that I've had then it seems like a good direction for me.
I've put in over 100 hours with this device and think that it is an amazing concept but at least in my case flawed. (It may be more helpful to people with less pronounced problems). It's problem seems to be that it may reinforce existing issues. For example, I watched a friend do the soccer heading game which involves exclusively moving from left to right. But his habit was that when he moved to the left he also moved backwards. The game does not penalize this so he continued to do it.
Although I'm frustrated with the device, I see great potential in it. If the software in it could be made compatible with ideas in AT or physical therapy the amount of people that it could help would be astounding. I have been wondering if this is an area where I could help. I have programming experience and if I could create software for this system that could prevent people from going through some of the difficulties that I've had then it seems like a good direction for me.
They measure EMG muscle tension, muscle release, blood pressure etc - kind of like lie detector test technology.
I know a little about biofeedback because when I started learning AT, I also started going to biofeedback sessions. I found AT vastly superior because you learn to 'feel' your own biofeedback.
When I went to Biofeedback they put LOADS of pads all around me. I stood in front of a large screen that had a computerised man's body (back) on it- it had flashing red and green lights around the body which represented where I was in pain/going wrong (flashing red) and areas ok (green). In my lower back its was flashing red like crazy with numbers like 100 with it. The practitioner was saying 'Wow thats really high! Really bad!, How do you cope?!?' I was actually quite pleased because here I had physical evidence of my bad back (MRI scan showed nothing).
The thing then with Biofeedback you left to stand there and simple figure out how to bring the bad numbers down. After a couple of weeks I found himself just doing what I had learnt in AT, I could actually see the red parts turning green when I released my muscles. Even the practitioner was saying 'The Alexander Tecnhique is working' from the figures each week wich is why I stopped going to Biofeedback- I didnt need it with AT.
I am actually surprised they dont use that type of technology to prove AT scientifically (although of course i know there is more and more scientific evidence being gathered.)
Which brings to a question I have always wondered:
Could there ever be a Alexander Technique machine??
..that replicated the same feelings from a normal one-on-one session??
Since I dont teach AT I dont know whether it could be feasible ever to invent one?
But maybe with a bit of imagination and money..I dont know???
Somebody could make a lot of money with one!
Certainly Biofeedback pads can tell you when and where your muscles release, maybe with some kind of movement at the same time if you are lying down as a special machine/table, it could keep you free and up between your normal main lessons??
Any teacher's opinons on that, lol (I can see them wincing at such a suggestion!)?
Just think how good for society it would be if everybody had one, though!
What do AT teachers make of 'Electro Muscle Stimulators'- you know those pads that tone your body?
they look very tempting but Ive never brought any!